A recent decision by the Fair Work Commission to cancel proposed industrial action by members of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union has prompted a fiery public debate on whether the right to strike is still an effective form of industrial action in Australia.
Now, it is more important than ever that legal professionals understand developments in the "right to strike" in Australia - from the threshold requirements to the scope of possible industrial action. Join members of the NSW Society of Labor Lawyers for a Continuing Legal Education event on new legal developments in the "right to strike". We will be joined by experienced industrial advocates (both within and outside of the courtroom):
- Mark Gibian, Barrister at HB Higgins Chambers
- Philip Boncardo, Barrister at Wardell Chambers
- Alison Rudman, Director of Organising at the Rail, Tram and Bus Union
Attendance worth 1 Substantive Law CPD point. Registration for the event and signing of the attendance list is essential for Law Society auditing purposes. Presentation topics will be distributed shortly.
This event is free but donations to the Society are welcome and membership is encouraged.