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Protecting the natural environment in NSW

The NSW Society of Labor Lawyers in conjunction with the NSW Labor Environment Action Network invite you to a seminar on "Protecting the natural environment in NSW -- opportunities to strengthen NSW laws to improve protections for threatened species, endangered communities, and areas of high ecological value" on Thursday 27th April. Our guest speaker is Cerin Loane, Special Counsel at the Environmental Defenders Office.
The details are: 
  • Where: Online via Zoom
  • When: Thursday 27 April at 6pm
With a new NSW Government comes the opportunity for substantial reform to protect the natural environment in NSW. Ms Loane will discuss the current state of the law, opportunities to strengthen NSW laws to improve protections for threatened and endangered species and areas of high ecological value, and some of the EDO's key proposals in the areas of land clearing, koala protection, biodiversity conservation, and the planning system. 
If this educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long-term needs in relation to your professional development and practice of the law, then you can claim one point per hour of formal presentation (1 Substantive CPD Point).
About Cerin Loane
Cerin Loane is a Special Counsel at EDO NSW. Cerin joined EDO in Sydney in January 2019 as a Senior Solicitor in the policy and law reform team. Her work includes writing law reform proposals, engaging with government on draft policy and legislation and providing legal advice to EDO clients on a range of environmental issues, including biodiversity conservation, environment and planning and natural resource management.
April 27, 2023 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Online via Zoom (details sent on registration)

Will you come?